
At MIMS Schools, leaning with Islamic civilization is our core value where we adopt a child –centered approach.

Our learning and teaching policy entails the importance of exciting, relevance and challenging activities in preparation of our distinguished students for future challenge of life.

Excellent teaching activities are the basis for personalized support, so that each talents and endowed gift in every child can be tapped.



2years to 5year (NURSERY SECTION)


In the nursery session, our methodology is concentrated in serving muslim children of any ethnic background, irrespective of their social life and cultural heritage. At this stage, play away methodology is adopted to facilitate and enhance teaching and learning through using Montessori philosophy, incorporating art, rhyme, gymnastics, computer, number and letter work and outdoor play activities.


In our classroom, we use age appropriate facilities and tools coupled with enabling environment to meet the need of every child in our care. While we strongly believe in the pupils care at this stage, adequate nurturing strategy are in place to make pupils acclimatized with the learning environment as we prepare them for the years ahead of them.


    5years to 8years (LOWER PRIMARY)

Teaching at this stage offers the pupils the opportunity to meet both their class teacher and their subject teachers alike. This is rare in most schools of today. These combinations in MIMS allow pupils to taste fruit of knowledge from different qualified and certified teachers of different field. Our class population is on the average of 20.


Our curriculum at  lower primary section take into account in addition to core subjects like English, Mathematics, Science, and  other subjects like Islamic Studies, Hifz, Arabic, French, Yoruba, Information Technology, Art and Physical and Health Education. 


9years to 11years (UPPER PRIMARY)

Pupils at this stage are exposed to more practical works to teaching and learning ability. MIMS believe in the ability of children creativity and explore and make the intrinsic value in them come to lime light.


The curriculum at this stage and in addition to the core and science subjects at the lower primary include pre vocational studies, cultural and creative art, Arabic conversation and memorization of the holy Qur’an[TAHFIZ ). Pupils are exposed to external Examination like LEC, ETR, etc.

SECONDARY SCHOOL       (11 to 16year old)

MIMS is unique in her programme for the students in the secondary school. Our entrance examination and interview of both students and parents alike is a guide to place them into class and group while we cater for their desire future aspiration. All students learn through a common course of study that is differentiated to meet their need and interest. English language, Mathematics, Catering, sciences and memorization of the Qur’an are given more priority at any of our class .Humanities department offer Literature in English, creative art, Yoruba, Arabic language ,French, Government as well as Physical and health Education provide a well rounded Education in an active learning environment. In our science department, aside core courses, we offer Biology, chemistry, physics alongside further mathematics and technical drawing.  In the business department, the following subjects along side with core subject are offer, they include, commence, account and Government

As part of our frantic effort and programme at the post WAEC level is JAMB training classes. We trained our students to gain admission into various higher institution, home and abroad while under our tutelage.  


Other extra curriculum activities of the school include but not limited to bi-ennial inter house sport competition, Excursion, field trip, competitions etc